Hemptouch is developed produced in Slovenia and offers a solution for everybody that (sometimes) suffers from skin problems. This is why Hemptouch products are referred to as ‘transformational’: their products help people (adults, kids and even infants) to experience lasting improvement. Most of Hemptouch products contain CBD: this ingredient is found in the hemp plant but should not be confused with cannabis! The CBD oil, cold-pressed hempseed oil or hemp hydraolate all have unique properties that gives a (very) dry, irritated, sensitive or even itchy skin back its natural balance. CBD oils calms and balances. Hempseed oil nourishes and rejuvenates while hemp hydrolate moisturises and protects. The numerous positive reviews of happy customers speak for themselves! Besides facial care, Hemptouch offers a bodylotion and shampoo. And if you are looking to strengthen your entire being, try a daily drop of pure Hemptouch CBD oil (5%) and experience for yourself how this fully completes your balance.
Interested to purchase Hemptouch? You can find the brand in selected (organic) stores or beauticians but also online at:
Pure ‘n Well (https://purenwell.nl/search?type=product&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&q=Hemptouch)
Care for Skin (https://www.careforskin.nl/hemptouch/)
Bewust Puur (https://www.bewustpuur.nl/nl/brands/hemptouch/)
Beauty4skin (https://beauty4skin.nl/hemptouch)